Father’s Day and we are grateful
Updated: Jun 1, 2022
Thank you to all the Daddies...!!
Studies show that children with close relationships with their fathers and male role models have more self-confidence, exhibit less depression and perform better academically! Obviously being a Father is so much more than this, but it can often go unspoken all that they do for us, as for a lot of us the Mum is the primary at home. So this Father’s day - here is a nod to all those Daddies out there! We love you!
My Dad was known as “The Chief”. He was truly a remarkable father and a great example of having unconditional love for his children. He sacrificed so much of himself working long hours to give us the best starts in life he could provide, and by doing that missed out on a lot of seeing us grow up. Yet he never complained, he was just there at the weekends, mowing the lawn, with open arms, ready to kick a ball and go for a walk in the forest. He stood by each one of us kids through our adult lives, standing strong when we stumbled, holding his love steadfast when we crashed, he was truly a rock to us all. He was the person who we would each turn to for guidance, for a hug, for support, the one who you wanted to celebrate your biggest achievements with. For my family he was our one true constant, he showed me what it was to truly be a parent, what it takes, he is my measure. So each Father’s day it offers me a time to remember him, appreciate him and I am truly forever grateful for what a wonderful Dad he was, I only wish he had been able to meet my daughters. So for all the Dads no longer with us, Happy Fathers Day! We are blessed to have shared the time we had with you, and you live on in our hearts and memories.

Looking to the present, I am lucky enough to have found a similar Father for my kids in my husband. Watching my husband grow from a 19 year old boy to husband and father to our children, it makes me beyond proud to see him evolve and become such an incredible loving and patient Daddy. He dedicates so much of himself and his time to providing a wonderful life for our family and the girls the best start in life and opportunities. And works the longest hours by doing so! And yet no matter how exhausted he is, overworked, he will always find time to spend with our girls, whether it be first thing in the morning before work or on weekends. He fills them with utter delight, and gives himself wholeheartedly to them and as my oldest calls him, he is our “Super hero”.

With that in mind it got me thinking about all the sacrifices our Daddies make, and that this year they too need to hear “Good job”, “We see you”, and “Thank you”!
So from a few of NMSG Members - They tell us about the “Super Hero” Daddies and what they are grateful for the things Daddies do:
'What I am grateful for is despite all the hours Daddy works, every Wednesday he carves out time for “family night”, so that midweek his girls will see him, we will share a family dinner, hewill bathe the girls and read then a bedtime book and we reconnect as a family. He may work 5.6.7 days a week sometimes, maybe even until midnight on some days! I respect him so much for making us a priority, and putting the girls first. For me, as a Mum, I’m grateful for the cuppas! When I’m running around with the kids, exhausted from sleepless nights, it means the world to have him pop his head round the corner and offer me a cuppa. It sounds like a little thing, but when you feel overwhelmed, suddenly you feel someone has your back, and my hubba is my partner in crime".
- Hannah
"I’m grateful for my hubby this Father’s Day for offering me a lie in and bringing me a cup of tea to enjoy (child free) in bed on the weekend. He does this when he knows I’ve had an exhausting/challenging week with the kids and he’s not been able to be around much due to work. No matter how tired he is from working all hours in the week he tries to give me a bit of time to myself and I really appreciate it ☺️ "
- Jenna
"I'm grateful when he does the dishes proactively when I'm rushing for a work deadline instead of me doing dishes at midnight after work ends. Or when he takes our son out for a walk so that I can get some peace and quiet at home to rest or work without interruption. Most grateful of all for tough days when nothing goes right and I feel low. He reminds me that not every day is sunny, and to keep going :) Things always don't seem quite as bad when he's around"
- Eva
"I'm grateful that, even though my husband is exhausted from a busy week at work, he'll always get up with the kids on the weekend and let me have a lie in. Especially when we're jet-lagged and they're up at 4am!"
- Rachel
"I'm very grateful that my husband cares deeply of my two daughters and myself. He wakes up early for work and always rushes home after work so he could spend some time with the girls before they go to bed. Despite being so tired, he has a heart that yearns to connect with me and the girls, which helps me feel secure in his love ❤️ I am thankful that my husband enjoys the meals I make and genuinely says, “This is one of my favorite meals!,” like literally every single day ❤️ ❤️ Thank you for loving me and the girls and giving us the best!"
- Jen
"I'm thankful to my husband for all the delicious food he cooks for me. I am extremely lucky to have married such a talented cook. At the end of a hard day I always have a delicious meal to enjoy and that makes the world of difference to be as a busy mum"
- Katherine
So from all of Mummas and kiddos thank you Daddies!
Written by Hannah Richardson, contributions from NMSG mums.