NMSG March Talk Notes: Creative & Critical Thinking in Early Childhood
Viknesh Kastor, Kaboodle

Seven Fundamental Life Skills
1. Focus and Self Control
2. Perspective talking (understanding how others think)
3. Communicating
4. Making Connections (Creatively)
5. Critical Thinking
6. Taking on Challenges
7. Self-Directed, Engaged, Learning

How to Support Creative and Critical Thinking
Encourage pursuits of curiosity
Learn from others
Help children evaluate information
Promote children’s interests
Teach problem-solving skills
Encourage pursuits of curiosity
Help them form and test theories
Encourage children to explore
Ask questions, test their theories
Think critically about results and think about changes they could make
How could they do things differently?
Learn from others
Instill a love for learning
Desire to understand how things work
Seek out the answers to all your children’s ‘why’ questions
Use books, the internet, friends, family and other experts
Help children evaluate information
We are often given lots of information at a time, and it is important we evaluate that information to determine if it is true, important and whether or not we should believe in it.
Help children learn these skills by teaching them to evaluate new information
Have them think about where or who the information is coming from
How it relates to what they already know and why it is or is not important
Promote children’s interests
When children are deeply vested in a topic or pursuit, they are more engaged and willing to experiment
The process of expanding their knowledge brings about a lot of opportunities for critical thinking, so to encourage this action helps your child invest in their interests
Whether it is learning about trucks or vehicles or a keen interest in insects,
Help your child follow their passion
Teach problem solving skills
When dealing with problems or conflicts, use critical thinking skills to
understand the problem and come up with possible solutions
Teach them the steps of problem-solving and they will use critical thinking in the process of finding solutions to problems
Want to learn more…?
Here is some science backed research:
Positive effect on toddlers playing with
blocks and its impact on linguistic abilities
Christakis, D. A., Zimmerman, F. J., Garrison, M. M. (2007, October). Effect of Block Play on Language Acquisition
and Attention in Toddlers. Retrieved from:
Emotional, behavioural, social and physical benefits of play
Goldstein, J. (2012, February). Play in children’s development, health and well-being. Retrieved from:
Play builds strong parent-child bonds
Ginsburg, K. R. (2007). The importance of play in promoting healthy child development and maintaining strong
parent-child bonds. Pediatrics, 119(1), 182-191.
Serious implications on a child’s development and play deprived
Whitebread, D., Basilio, M., Kuvalja, M. & Verma, M. (2012, April). The importance of play. Retrieved from:
Kaboodle integrates creative play for wholesome development:
Cognitive – creative problem solving
Social – Increases empathy and sharing
Linguistics – Emotive connotations to words
Emotional – Enhance confidence & resilience
Physical – Motor skills development
Check out Kaboodle’s ‘Big Blue Blocks’ which are like Lego, but life-size! These modular building components develop creative problem-solving skills and critical thinking.
They also use sensory play to engage the five senses and how they interact with the world as well as building of crafts from various materials to increase a child’s capacity to express their imagination and curiosity.
Kaboodle is an indoor play space that provides development for creative intelligence and growth of children from ages 1 to 12, with both creative free play and structured programs.
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